Eca GroupArchTIS, a global provider of software solutions for the secure collaboration of sensitive information, announced that it has entered a contract with the Chief Information Officer Group (CIOG) within Australian Defence for the deployment of NC Protect to secure the SharePoint on-premises environment of a major sustainment program. NC Protect will provide increased access control and file level security of classified and sensitive information to enhance Defence’s control over the “releasability” of content in a multinational, joint exercise environment with allied nations.

The total contract value is $138,441 (incl GST), of which $93,793 is annual recurring revenue. The contract term runs until September 2023 with the option for additional years of licensing. The term is fixed and may only be terminated due to breach. NC Protect is available on the Defence Application Portfolio Management portal as an approved software product which provides an easier procurement path for additional purchases by Defence agencies.

NC Protect empowers secure collaboration between Defence, multinational coalitions and supply chain partners. NC Protect dynamically secures sensitive information by applying zero trust policies to data centric access controls across Microsoft 365, SharePoint on-premises and file share environments.

Daniel Lai, archTIS managing director, said: “archTIS continues its journey of becoming the premier provider of data-centric access security controls to the Australian Department of Defence. The award provides a new use case for NC Protect within Defence that validates the compelling value the Department sees in the product. We continue to experience strong pipeline growth and opportunity amongst Defence, its coalition partners and suppliers for our unique offerings to secure their collaboration.”

APDR Bulletin

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