EOSThe Australian government is responding to a rapidly changing strategic environment by investing in critical capability, securing supply chains, and enhancing Australia’s self-reliance, according to a joint statement released by Defence Minister Peter Dutton and Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price.

These investments reaffirm the government’s ongoing commitment to upgrading the capability and potency of the Australian Defence Force, while also bolstering Australia’s defence industry expertise. Dutton said the continued investment in key Defence capability programs was a core government initiative, following the announcement earlier this year to accelerate Australia’s Sovereign Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance Enterprise.

“The creation of the national guided weapons enterprise is a significant step and will ensure Defence’s enduring ability to effectively deter and defeat threats against our national interests,” Dutton said. “To complement the enterprise, the government is also investing in a new Integrated Air and Missile Defence capability that will further improve the survivability of our deployed forces. Together, the Government’s investments in guided weapons, explosive ordnance, and air and missile defence capabilities will strengthen our shape, deter and respond mission and keep Australia safe.”

Price said the progression of these key capabilities highlighted the government’s commitment to developing Australia’s local defence industry and keeping Australians safe, employed and secure. “These projects will seek to maximise Australian industry involvement, enabling opportunities to develop our local expertise which will deliver a long-term boost to our sovereign defence capability,” Price said.

A Request for Proposal for the Medium Range Ground Based Air Defence System is now open, and is seeking prospective market options for the potential acquisition of the new system. “The Request for Proposal will improve Defence’s understanding of the capability and likely availability and timelines of current and potential future systems that can meet Australia’s requirements,” Price said. “We are also seeking to understand how Australian industry can leverage the Sovereign Guided Weapons Enterprise in their proposals to harness existing or emerging local munitions production capabilities.”


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