Tasmania’s economy is set for a major $57.4 million boost after the Australian government approved a significant upgrade to the nation’s oldest Australian Army barracks. The Anglesea Paterson Project includes significant upgrades to infrastructure and facilities at Hobart’s Anglesea Barracks, as well as a new facility and redevelopment of defence infrastructure in Launceston. The improvements in Anglesea, an investment of $17.7 million, will ensure the Barracks continues to provide a safe and functional environment for base personnel.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the government was committed to significant investment across Tasmania to support current and future Defence capabilities. “This is a huge win for Tasmania, particularly the small businesses that stand to reap the benefits of this significant $57.4 million investment,” Price said. “It is expected that 80 per cent of the work will go to local industry, maximising opportunities for local businesses and giving the economy a real shot in the arm. The Anglesea Paterson Project will also deliver a new cadet facility in the northern suburbs of Launceston, worth $15.8 million and a significant commitment in the Launceston City Deal. Australian Defence Force reserves and cadets at Youngtown Depot in South Launceston will benefit from an $11.2 million investment to upgrade facilities there.

“With additional contract costs, our total investment comes to $57.4 million, which is wonderful news for the Tasmanian economy,” Price added. “The construction workforce across the projects is predicted to be an average of 30 personnel, with a peak of around 80 workers per day across sites.”

Defence has worked closely with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications to develop this project. Defence will also provide a new 1800 Defence Call Centre at Anglesea Barracks to Support the Defence Customer Service Network, enabling continuity of the 1800DEFENCE service in Tasmania. The expanded call centre facility will create five new jobs, allowing for an increase in capacity and will provide a contemporary environment consistent with modern day practices. Construction work on the project is due to start in early 2022 and is expected to be completed in mid-2023. Works will occur across Anglesea Barracks and Youngtown Depot.

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