Rina Warship Banner (728 x 90 px)Boeing has raised the Australian flag at its AH-64 Apache helicopter production line in Mesa, Arizona. The flag raising ceremony is held for all Apache customers and signifies the growing global fleet of Apache operators. Australia will be the 18th nation to operate the Apache as its attack helicopter, joining a fleet of more than 1,280 operating worldwide.

“We are honoured to welcome our Australian partners to Mesa for this important milestone and proud to fly their flag as an enduring symbol of our commitment to the people of Australia,” said Christina Upah, vice president of Boeing Attack Helicopter Programs. “The flags that proudly hang in this facility are a constant reminder of the customers we serve and the promise we give to delivering the world’s most advanced and proven attack reconnaissance helicopter.”

Boeing Apache Flag Raising Mesa 2024
Christina Upah, vice president of Boeing Attack Helicopter Programs and Major General Jeremy King, Head of the Australian Defence Department’s Joint Aviation Systems Division with the Australian flag at Mesa.

Major General Jeremy King, Head of the Australian Defence Department’s Joint Aviation Systems Division, said at the event: “I am incredibly proud to witness the raising of the Australian flag to adorn this facility, which will be at the heart of production for Australia’s new fleet of Apache attack helicopters.”

Australian suppliers Axiom Precision Manufacturing, Cablex, Ferra Engineering and Thomas Global Systems, which are producing parts and components for the Australian or international fleets, attended the event.

In February, Minister for Defence Richard Marles and Minister for Defence Industry Pat Conroy announced Boeing Defence Australia will assist in sustaining the fleet of 29 AH-64E Apaches under a seven-year Initial Support Contract, delivering maintenance, engineering, aircrew and maintainer training, and logistics.


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