CIMIC Group’s CPB Contractors has been selected by the Australian Government’s Department of Defence for the delivery phase of the North Queensland Mid-Term Refresh Program. The managing contractor project works are valued at approximately $104 million with construction scheduled to commence in early 2023. The North Queensland Mid-Term Refresh Program involves the provision of estate maintenance and upgrades at RAAF Base Townsville, HMAS Cairns and the Townsville Field Training Area.
CIMIC Group Executive Chairman Juan Santamaria said: “We are very pleased to have the opportunity to support Defence with the delivery of another important infrastructure upgrade. Our teams will work closely with Defence to ensure that the refresh program is delivered safely and without interrupting normal operations.”
CPB Contractors Managing Director Jason Spears said: “CPB Contractors has a long history of successfully delivering projects in North Queensland. We have a strong commitment to the region and will be working to maximise commercial and employment opportunities for local and Indigenous suppliers.”
Works to be delivered include new and upgraded engineering services and building refurbishments. The North Queensland Mid-Term Refresh Program is scheduled to be completed in 2025.
CIMIC Group is an engineering-led construction, mining, services and public private partnerships leader working across the lifecycle of assets, infrastructure and resources projects. CIMIC Group comprises our construction businesses CPB Contractors, Leighton Asia and Broad, our mining and mineral processing companies Thiess (joint control) and Sedgman, UGL and development and investment arm Pacific Partnerships.