Minister for Defence Materiel – More than $12 million investment in priority industry capabilities
Minister for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced more than $12 million in matched funding is being offered to nine Australian companies to commercialise new defence technologies that will contribute to Australia’s Priority Industry Capabilities in the defence sector.
“This is an investment in cutting edge defence technologies developed here in Australia,” Mr Clare said.
“It involves Defence working directly with some of Australia’s most innovative defence companies to develop technologies for the Australian Defence Force”.
“This is about making sure our troops have the equipment they need to do their job”.
Over the next seven years $45 million will be invested in Priority Industry Capabilities through this program.
“The defence industry’s most important capabilities are our Priority Industry Capabilities,” Mr Clare said.
“These are must haves – the things we cannot do without.
“The ideas this program will fund will help strengthen these capabilities in Australia.”
Further information about the Priority Industry Capability Innovation Program can be found at <>
Media Contact: Korena Flanagan (Office of Jason Clare) – (02) 6277 7290
Priority Industry Capability Innovation Program (Round 1)
– List of successful projects
Company Grant Amount (GST exclusive) Project Description and Title Priority Industry Capability supported by project
Cirrus Real Time Processing Systems Pty Ltd $469,602 Sensor Association and Fusion Engine (SAFE) SAFE is a technology that addresses a core problem with sensor and/or combat systems that track contacts; how to determine which sensor measurements associate to which (if any) tracks, and which sensor measurements associate to background clutter. SAFE is designed to use internal algorithms that have a much lower computational impact than those algorithms traditionally used for this “track association” problem in combat systems. Acoustic Technologies and Systems. Through-life and real time support of mission critical and safety critical software. In-Service Support of Collins-Class Submarine Combat System.
Sonartech Atlas Pty Ltd $726,956 Sonix Sonobuoy Architecture and Acoustic Processing Modernisation The project’s aim is to modernise and extend the capabilities of the Sonix System which has applications for Maritime Ranging and Surface Ship ASW and Torpedo Defence. Acoustic Technologies and Systems.
Secure Systems Ltd $423,116 Secure Portable Anti-Tamper Data Storage Solutions The project seeks to develop the next generation of portable Silicon Data Vaults that will be able to store and protect Top Secret data yet allow handling as a ‘For Official Use Only’ device; or protect Secret data yet allow handling as an Unclassified device. Anti-Tampering capabilities.
Micreo Limited $152,706 Fast-turning Wideband Synthesiser The project’s aim is to commercialise a new high performance frequency synthesiser with sub-microsecond switching speed and excellent spurious suppression across an output frequency range of 2-20 GHz. Electronic Warfare.
C4i Pty Ltd $2,187,477 SwitchplusNG – integrated network centric Command and Control (C2) Communications SwitchplusNG is a fifth generation end to end internet protocol based voice and data communication system. The project’s aim is develop and enhance a number of sub systems (Communications Simulator, High Availability Communications, Multi-Domain Secure Interface Units and Multi-Purpose Gateways) under the SwitchplusNG program. ‘High End’ systems and ‘System of Systems’ Integration. Through-life and real time support of mission critical and safety critical software. In-Service Support of Collins-Class Submarine Combat System.
CEA Technologies Pty Ltd $2,564,940 CEAFAR Phased Array Radar Land Environment Transition Project The objective of this project is to transition CEAFAR Active Phased Array technology from the Maritime to the Land environment and establish a Multi Mission Radar hardware platform that is able to support: Air-Surveillance, Air Traffic Control, Weapon Location and Ground Based Air Defence. High Frequency and Phased Array Radars.
Australian Defence Apparel Pty Ltd $4,000,000 Armour Technologies Commercialisation and Expansion Project The project’s aim is to commercialise a new suite of armour technologies to expand ADA’s capacity to manufacture high quality armoured products at a cost that is competitive in the global market. Combat Uniform and Personal Equipment.
Sentient Vision Systems Ltd $529,378 Automated Target Detection and Cueing System for Remote Weapons Stations The project will develop automated target detection capability for Remote Weapons Stations (RWS). By analysing the imagery from the long-range and battlefield sensors of the RWS, the proposed Automated Target Detection and Cueing system will give significantly enhanced capability to RWS operators increasing its effectiveness. Infantry Weapons Remote Weapons Station.
Quintessence Labs Pty Ltd $1,055,309 Visual Zeroisation Storage and Management System for Military Information Platforms The project’s aim is to significantly improve the anti-tamper capability of stored data through the implementation of a system which is always active and does not rely on reactive or physical countermeasures. The data is in effect protected before a tamper event even occurs.