Asian Press Group banner 728x90A new Defence recruitment campaign, ‘Up There, where potential lives,’ is inspiring young Australians to consider a career in the Royal Australian Air Force.

Up There showcases the diverse opportunities available for future aviators – from medical, intelligence and aviation roles – in the air and beyond, into the space and cyber domains.

The Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Robert Chipman, AO, CSC, said the campaign highlighted the variety of roles aviators had in the Air Force.​ “The Air Force is a modern, future-focused and technologically-advanced organisation, delivering air power as part of the joint force,” Air Marshal Chipman said. “We need to continue to build an intelligent and skilled workforce that supports Air Force’s current and emerging capabilities. “I encourage all young Australians to consider their potential and a career full of challenge, adventure and purpose, up there.”

Acting Chief of Personnel, Major General Wade Stothart, said Up There aimed at promoting Air Force careers to Australians aged between 16 and 35. “A career in the Air Force enables you to operate leading technology and receive world-class training and education, along with a range of other benefits available to all Australian Defence Force personnel,” Major General Stothart said. “We know people are seeking a competitive salary, job security and flexible hours – a career in the Air Force can provide all of these things and more. There are a variety of recruitment pathways for people who are curious about a role in the Air Force, from entry-level for young people straight out of school to mid-career professionals seeking a change of course.”

The campaign also highlights a diverse selection of Air Force’s impressive fleet including F-35A Lightning II and F/A-18F Super Hornet jets, an E-7A Wedgetail, and a C-17A Globemaster heavy airlifter. Each of these aircraft were filmed in the air from an L-39 jet with a high-definition gimbal camera, the first time this piece of technology has been used in Australia.


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