USE THIS ONESaab Australia recently announced it had awarded two contracts for Australia’s Deployable Health Capability (DHC) program.

Saab Australia – Mobile Medical Centre.

The first contract was awarded to New South Wales SME Global Defence Solutions (GDS) as the preferred soft shelter supplier for JP2060 Phase 3 of the program. Saab and GDS have also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), paving the way to work together to further advance complementary capabilities in deployable force infrastructure.

Together with more than 70 Australian businesses, the nation’s deployable health capability will leverage the expertise and products of local businesses, further growing Australia’s industrial supply chain and developing sovereign capability. GDS will join Saab and its capability partners Aspen Medical, Philips Healthcare Australia & NZ, Broadspectrum and Marshall Land Systems to deliver and support deployable military and humanitarian hospitals for use in Australia and overseas.

Officials at with the mobile x-ray technology.

Saab Australia also announced it awarded a A$1.3 million deal to South Australian SME Micro-X for the supply of mobile x-ray technology for the DHC program. Initially developed to commercialisation under a contract from the Department of Defence’s Innovation Hub, Micro-X’s Rover system is the first of its kind to demonstrate diagnostic quality imaging, with the extended power required for trauma imaging of combat soldiers.

Managing Director of Micro-X Peter Rowland said the Rover system was specifically designed for use in Australian Army deployments, filling a gap and improving healthcare for our military personnel in extremely challenging environments. “We’re very excited to see our Rover set to enter operational service with the Australian Defence Force and place the Australian Army at the forefront of deployable medical x-ray technology,” he said.


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