Successful Sea Trials for First Air Warfare Destroyer

Today marks the successful completion of ship builder sea trials for the future Air Warfare Destroyer Hobart, at Techport Australia in Adelaide.

The Minister for Defence Industry, The Hon Christopher Pyne MP said this achievement is a significant milestone for the Air Warfare Destroyer Project and the nation, and demonstrates the capacity of Australia’s sovereign defence industry to build and integrate ships for our specific defence needs.

“Hobart has now proven its hull, propulsion and navigation systems after several days of testing in local SA waters,” Minister Pyne said.

“Further sea trials will take place in early 2017 when Hobart conducts more advanced testing of the ship’s combat and communications systems.”

Progress also continues on the second destroyer Brisbane, with the loading of combat system equipment prior to launch in December 2016, while hull consolidation on destroyer Sydney is well underway.

“I congratulate the AWD Alliance partners; the Commonwealth, ASC and Raytheon Australia on this important milestone today, and their continued progress toward delivering the most capable warships ever to be operated by the Royal Australian Navy.”

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