IP25 Digital 728x90px 241218 01The Australian government has introduced a new award to recognise the service of Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel in the Indo-Pacific region. For decades the ADF has operated throughout the Indo‑Pacific in support of a more peaceful, stable and prosperous region. In an increasingly complex strategic environment, these operations are critical to protecting our national interest and keeping Australians safe.

Recognising this, ADF personnel of all ranks who have completed 30 days of operational service on certain ADF operations in the region will be eligible for the Australian Operational Service Medal Indo-Pacific. This includes Operation Render Safe, where ADF personnel work to safely dispose of World War II bombs, weapons and ammunition from Pacific island countries, and Operation Argos, the ADF’s contribution to the international effort to enforce United Nations Security Council sanctions against North Korea.

Approximately 15,000 current and former serving members of the ADF will be recognised for their service on contemporary and ongoing operations in our region. Further details about eligibility are available on the Defence Honours and Awards website.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Richard Marles said: “The Australian Defence Force has been conducting operations in the Indo-Pacific region for decades, and the Albanese Labor Government is honoured to see those personnel recognised in this way for their important service. We are committed to a secure and prosperous Indo-Pacific region, and in an increasingly complex strategic environment the contributions of our service men and women on these operations is vital to that.”

Minister for Defence Personnel Matt Keogh said: “In honour of the contribution made by our ADF personnel to our regional security, the Governor-General has agreed to the Albanese Government’s request to institute a new award recognising approximately 15,000 current serving and veteran ADF personnel for service in the Indo-Pacific region. These ADF personnel continue the legacy of those who have served their country, through service and sacrifice.”


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  1. Load of shit , what about RCB , we have be fighting to get reconnion for it for years and our government has turned its back on us, why not write about this

  2. They will never accept RCB because it will cost more money than they are ever willing to give. And for the government everything is about money.

  3. Ex. Sapper. RAE. ,,I was sent to the Solomon’s island in June 78 anear Honiara ,,clearing live ordnance noted as hazards duty.Service. I have pics.
    And army newspaper of us. , front page. ,
    Same doings of ,, Clearing a ,US airfield from WW11. clearing of live ordaince this is to place a communication tower Defence minister Matt Keogh
    should not look at certain personal or names of wording requirements Alll who have done this as we were a small contingent
    I will not be getting this metal. Because of there. Time. Limit.
    And no recognition,,, yes service or duty like the others of about over 60 personal of 1FER Holsworthy of a 1 SQN miss. Out. ,

  4. what can medal do for ex Servicemen it can’t feed your Children or get your health back . I will never eccept anything from Politicians. asking Politicians for help is same as asking Vampire to guard your blood. Politicians have favourite treatment for all Service members “Delay, deny hope soon you die “


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