Asian Press Group banner 728x90Lockheed Martin Australia has appointed Rob Milligan to the newly created Program Director role for AIR6500 Phase 1 (AIR6500-1), following the company’s recent selection as Defence’s strategic partner to steward the Joint Air Battle Management System. The appointment is effective starting 1 January 2024.

Milligan, currently the lead for Lockheed Martin’s Integrated Warfare Systems and Sensors line of business and Australian program custodian of the world-class Aegis Combat System, has spent over 30 years working in the defence sector.

Located in Lockheed Martin Australia’s Adelaide state office, Milligan will drive program delivery outcomes for AIR6500-1. This will encompass growing a sovereign industrial capability including a dedicated integrated air and missile defence (IAMD) workforce and establishing supply chain partnerships with primes, small-to-medium-enterprises, and universities ensuring Australian industry is at the core of the program

As a priority, Milligan will lead the establishment of the contractual and governance arrangements in partnership with defence and develop a rigorous program delivery pathway for AIR6500-1.

Lockheed Martin Australia and New Zealand Chief Executive, Warren McDonald said, “We are focused on having a high performing leadership team in place to support the Australian Defence Force’s vision to transform into a fully integrated and IAMD capable force through AIR6500-1. I congratulate Rob on his appointment. With significant expertise across defence program management, Rob is the right leader for this endeavour. I look forward to working with Rob to build on our industrial capability base grown during the initial competition phase including industry partnerships to bring AIR6500-1 to fruition. Also, I thank Steve Froelich for his remarkable leadership overseeing operations for Lockheed Martin Australia and Zealand and as the AIR6500 Program Executive in-country during the AIR6500 competition.”

Milligan responded to the appointment by saying, “I am extremely honoured to be selected to lead the program management for AIR6500-1. Throughout my career, I have continually strived to meaningfully contribute to ensuring the best outcomes for the Australian Defence Force. I’m excited to lead this critical IAMD program that will protect Australia.”

Milligan’s vast experience, skills and knowledge extends across the full gamut of maritime engineering including warship acquisitions, platform upgrades, sustainment, to leading engineering, logistics and program management in the Royal Australian Navy, the Royal Australian Air Force, the Australian Public Service and currently in defence industry. He served for 13 years in the Royal Australian Navy as a naval engineer and holds a Bachelor of Engineering from University of New South Wales.


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