MEMKO announced it is making a significant step forward to be part of the global aerospace and defence industry with the incorporation of its Singapore based company in addition to its current operations HQ in Australia, Melbourne and wholly owned subsidiary in India.
The expansion will help MEMKO to broaden its market reach in in the region for its portfolio of products and services, tailored for the aviation, aerospace and defence industries. The collective businesses in three geo-locations will also allow for strengthening the growth corridor between Australia and high-growth Asian markets.
MEMKO is an Australian-owned business and the company said it is excited to take Australian capabilities to the global market. To support the newly established MEMKO entity in Singapore, the company is hiring local talent with a background in aviation, aerospace and defence.
I do believe with all the small and larger wars going around the world I am very concerned about the amount of artillery and ammunition we are giving to ukraine and Israel. Yes they are our allies and we should help BUT have a limit each month as we need stockpiles of ammunition to defend ourselves, in case of trouble here, which is possible.