The first part of this article, in APDR’s November edition, concentrated on new research and development capabilities being introduced by the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), as well as covering the international cyber capabilities of Leonardo which can be made available to support the ADF.
Now in Part 2 we take a closer look at developments in Australia which have been, and continue to be, developed by Defence to train members of the ADF for both defensive and offensive cyber warfare.
An announcement of this Strategy was made on 31 August 2022 by the Assistant Minister for Defence and Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, the Hon Matt Thistlethwaite.
The following is a summary, taken from the full document, which explains the need for this Strategy and how it will drive Defence’s efforts in this field.
Defence must continue to improve its cyber security if it is to defend against constant malicious cyber activity and succeed in future conflicts. This is necessary for the continued fulfilment of Defence’s mission, and the continued delivery of critical functions upon which our national interests rely, and all Australians expect.
The Strategy will shape the Defence portfolio’s cyber security for the next ten years. It establishes the guiding principles and strategic objectives to enhance Defence’s cyber security capabilities in line with the shifting threat environment.
The Strategy also establishes four priority action areas that outline objectives to be achieved over the next three years. This will set the necessary foundations for Defence to be a cyber security exemplar now, and into the future, as cyber threats evolve.
This Strategy will ensure Defence can continue to transform, adapt and evolve securely. It will support Defence’s ability to Shape, Deter and Respond: shaping its cyber security environment through uplift, standards setting and strengthened partnerships; informing its deterrence activities through improved visibility of adversaries’ activity; and refining its ability to respond by enhancing its cyber security posture and limiting adversaries’ ability to conduct malicious cyber activity against Defence.