Schiebel and MDA Space have demonstrated IMSAR’s NSP Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with Ground and Maritime Moving Target Indication (GMTI and MMTI) capabilities during a one-week intensive trial at the Foremost UAS Test Range in Western Canada.
The successful integration of the IMSAR NSP radar system to the CAMCOPTER S-100 was completed ahead of schedule, with all radar electronics housed within the antenna pod. The radar’s installed software allows for seamless mission planning, enabling the operator to upload radar flight plans directly to the S-100 platform.
During the trial, the fully integrated system showcased its unique capabilities during both day and night operations out to ranges exceeding 100 nm. The S-100, equipped with the IMSAR NSP radar, Wescam’s MX-8 EO/IR sensor, a GPS Anti-Jam System and an Automatic Identification System (AIS), successfully conducted a series of simulated land and maritime tasks. The system provided high-resolution SAR imagery, as well as Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) detections and tracks, all while demonstrating its versatility in challenging weather conditions. This capability highlights the IMSAR radar as a key sensor, enhancing the platform’s performance and situational awareness in complex operational environments.
“The integration of IMSAR’s radar with the S-100, in combination with a powerful EO/IR, significantly expands the platform’s surveillance and detection capabilities, allowing for wide-area coverage at impressive distances in all weather conditions,” said Neil Hunter, Head of Global Sales for Schiebel. “This trial underlines the continuing operational effectiveness of the CAMCOPTER S-100 as a multi-sensor platform, capable of delivering actionable intelligence in real-time, day and night.”
The RAN could have been part of these developments but chose to have nothing instead.
Simply bizarre
Totally agree.
It still confuses me, that after six years of intense usage by the RAN the DoD
decided that the S 100 was not satisfactory and decided to go with the RQ21 Integrator( a development of Scan Eagle) instead. The S 100 is VTOL so it’s perfect for Ship board operations while the RQ 21 is catapult launch and arrested retrieval ( on ship board ) Scan Eagle uses the same system and most sailors I know don’t like it. Whoever made the decision certainly didn’t do the RAN any favours.
The RAN themselves decided they didn’t want it – and won’t explain why.
Your correct that the RAN made the decision but the DoD had to cancel the Lease. The only thing I can put it down to is the RAN Hierarchy’s determination to scuttle the OPV project because it wasn’t a battleship. Or it could be the old “But we Have such fond memories of the other type” or “But it’s not made in the U.S.A. “ excuse. What ever the reason , who ever made it should be dismissed.
I agree.