KADEX 2024 Banner 728x90Swedish manufacturer MCT Brattberg has announced it is opening an Australian office after securing a contract to deliver products into the Hunter Class Frigate Program. The company specialises in the manufacture of sealings for cables and pipes and its new Adelaide operations, based at the Lot Fourteen innovation precinct, will supply electrical cable transit frames and deck-head and bulk-head glands for the first batch of three Hunter class frigates. The equipment enables electrical cables to be installed throughout the frigates, with the first sets to be shipped to the Osborne Naval Shipyard – where the first Hunter class frigate is under construction.

“It’s fantastic to see MCT Brattberg bring cutting-edge technology and knowledge to Adelaide as part of the Hunter Class Frigate Program,” said Scott Robertson, BAE Systems Australia – Maritime’s Head of Supply Chain. “The company’s unique skillset will create more employment opportunities for Australians and ensure the performance of the Royal Australian Navy’s first Anti-Submarine Warfare fleet is world class,” Robertson said.

Anders Folbert, MCT Brattberg Australia’s Managing Director said his office would work closely with BAE Systems Maritime Australia to provide technical support, storage and knowledge sharing. “This strategic alliance with BAE Systems Maritime Australia provides the perfect foundation for future growth in the domestic market and opportunity for MCT Brattberg Australia to expand its Australian presence and capability,” Folbert said. “MCT Brattberg’s history dates back to 1759 and it is best known for the MCT Brattberg System, a modular multi-cable and pipe transit used mainly by shipyards and construction industries.”


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