AvalonBabcock Australasia (Babcock) is taking proactive steps to bolster sovereign capability in Western Australia by introducing its supply chain partners to new defence-specific education opportunities. It recently hosted discussions between four of its Perth-based suppliers and South Metropolitan TAFE to explore a range of training courses available to defence industry workers looking to expand their technical skills.

Griffin Marine, Orontide, Ausbright and Allship Engineering each took part in the workforce development discussions, which also examined how best to integrate TAFE’s pipeline of apprentices into the defence sector.

The specialist courses, which include a Certificate IV in Cyber Security, Diploma of Applied Technologies (Technician) and a Diploma of Engineering – Technical (Engineering Draftsperson), are being offered as part of the Western Australian government’s Defence Industry Existing Worker Incentive (DIEWI). The initiative provides financial assistance to defence industry employers to support and expand the career pathways of their workforce through skills-based promotion or specialist task-based projects. The courses have a specific focus on digital and technical skill enhancement to keep pace with industry needs.

As the Regional Maintenance Provider West (RMP West) servicing the Royal Australian Navy, Babcock is committed to supporting the growth of defence industry capability and continues to look for opportunities to enhance the skills base of its sovereign supply chain in support of Australia’s industrial base. Under its RMP West contract, Babcock’s supply chain boasts more than 50 sub-contractors.

Babcock Australasia AIC and Supply Support Manager, RMP West, Brad Plummer said: “By pursuing opportunities to enhance and invest in local talent within our supply chain, we are preparing them for the more complex defence projects ahead. This investment will provide defence workers with the necessary skills to contribute effectively to future projects. Creating a grassroots dialogue between SMEs and academia also has the potential to identify broader skills gaps and training needs as well as establish a talent pool to draw from as defence needs grow. All of this advances the broader goal of creating jobs, strengthening the Australian economy, and building a sustainable defence industry in support of national security.”

South Metropolitan TAFE Defence Industry Consultant, Nihar Rai said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for flexibly upskilling current employees using DIEWI courses for progression into roles such as drafters, designers, engineering and advanced manufacturing technicians, as well as enabling the businesses towards becoming defence-ready in cyber security practices. We value Babcock’s support of their supply chain partners to equip their existing employees with digital and technical capabilities, supporting their career progression into critical defence industry professional and paraprofessional roles.”


For Editorial Inquiries Contact:
Editor Kym Bergmann at kym.bergmann@venturamedia.net

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Group Sales Director Simon Hadfield at simon.hadfield@venturamedia.net

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